This section contains resources compiled to help explain and contextualize the materials in the Quakers & Slavery Project.
Here is a full bibliography of digitized documents in this collection including organizational records, meeting minutes, personal correspondence, books and other publications. Each item is linked to a record in Triptych, a searchable online database of special collections from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges.
A printer friendly PDF of the Bibliography is available.
Brief descriptions of organizations, Quaker terminology and important vocabulary relating to Quakers & Slavery can be found here.
A printer friendly PDF of the glossary is available.
Here is a full list of photographs, lithographs, drawings, and objects in the collection. Each item is linked to a record in Triptych, a searchable online database of special collections from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges.
A printer friendly PDF of the list of images is available.
All of the images contained in this Quakers and Slavery site are authorized for personal or classroom use. For more information on downloading or obtaining high resolution copies read these instructions.
See the geographical distribution of materials in this collection on the interactive world map. Click the United States on the world map for a more detailed view of resources by region.
Get a sense of the chronology of the antislavery movement within the Society of Friends and the United States at large in the Timeline, from 1657 to the 1860's.